Monday, September 17, 2007

Of Incertitudes...

Each time I play the game
Its never the same.
Along a curvy maze
I leave the trail ablaze.

When I know not whats round the bend,
Oodles it does does to the mystery lend.
Vague is the trend
Every second with the unknown I fend.

Along the winding track I rip
Hoping not to lose the grip
Whatever comes I shall take it on
Shall brave it all without a moan

To overdrive I move over
With only intuitions I manoeuvre.
Only a sixth sense within knows
It understands before the path unfolds.
Sheer guts to zip on
The fear of death is long gone.

But I know this wont last for ever.
I may make it or I may never.
For one of these bends
Could after all be the end.

But then... whose is the finish ?
Is the question I relish.


  1. wow! thats really good.
    "But I know this wont last for ever.
    I may make it or I may never."
    loved it!

  2. hmm lost in the maze of bends of life... one would know the finish when he gets there.. sixth sense it is..

  3. Loved ur blog..I am taking the liberty of blogrolling you:-)

  4. Trust your instincts!
    I m a firm believer that GOD does send you signals in this way or that...
    But blissed are those who knows what they interprite..


Travel Persona

Your Travel Personality Is: The Adventurer
For you, travel is how you learn about the world. And you like to learn the stuff that's not in guidebooks.
You truly have wanderlust. When you're not traveling, you're dreaming about where you'll go next.
And your travels are truly legendary - they leave you with stories you'll be telling for the rest of your life!